Monday, September 7, 2009

Stomach Flu Delay Periods

Again a brief report

over the past week. And although the last week, first started with a storm on Monday morning. That meant for us that only four children have come and we therefore had a very pleasant day. This is not apparently usual to go to school if it rains, because most families have no car and the roads are very muddy before then. At least in the outskirts of the city where the streets are paved nciht. On Monday was also an employee of us at the doctor and was able to work because of a muscle inflammation is not until Friday. This meant that the were allowed to come to Friday only the smaller children, so we had to look after a maximum of six children. Because only on Thursday they all came, and on Friday where all could come back just six or seven children have come, the week with an average of 5 children very pleasant. I could even use some of that, what I learned in Buenos Aires. So I explained to the kids a little bit how knotted bracelets, only to have the most quickly lost the desire it. The week was
ansich so very relaxed, even if our working hours have been changed to our detriment. We now have to work everyday clock by clock 10 to about 18th "Reunion" With an hour, so a team meeting so we are now on a 41 hour week. But of course, is the heir no piece work and you have enough free space to rest a bit. But with these hours, we are likely the most labor-most volunteers are here. But so far I have no problem:).
What was really tough then, was the weekend. In our project has a camp of the Church with about 60 kids taken place and I've helped in the kitchen, so I had this week to seven working days. But I have this also (hopefully) earned two additional vacation days. Today morning
has rained quite so again only five children came. These were then run as usual with the bus and told us all excited that the bus started to burn. But luckily, all our kids are well received). And at night she has already picked up another bus.
If my brief report. I'm now a confirmed mailing address. You can find them right in the groin. About Postcards I'm always happy:) Many




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