is the title of a column in our church newsletter here. The brief report I have written this, I will not deny:
-What works?
The work in the daycare center with the kids is fun and never boring. And we have enough else to do other thing, if us should ever be boring. But if you need a break, they can just take.
-What does not work?
In our team there are always some arguments about who is responsible for what. The reason is that in addition to the day center also accommodation and have at the moment anyway are all stressed out because we are celebrating in three weeks, a huge feast.

-What works?
My English is getting better. I read my first English book nearly finished, and take also twice a week private lessons. And we have our walls with posters pasted sense for us to learn the language well really.
-What does not work?
Our toilet is a bit broken. It is not just the knob is loose and flushing the toilet is time happily, but also is that our toilet is leaking somewhere and we are therefore a weapon

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