in Germany has not so much given away, but I think it is still important his opinion in the form of elections to make known. For which it could still form an opinion, I give here a short time discussing projects:
One thing first, everything I write here is of course just my personal opinion and it may well have also crept in error. If you disagree with you, or you find any errors in content, can you please email me you like
I am (currently) a staunch supporter of the Greens and the various reasons. The
are not only liberal but also socially, which is a very good mix for me. So put the Greens, for example, for the abolition of the tax benefits of marriage to other unions. Steps should be especially single parents tax re better off. They also want the equality of lesbian and gay couples with marriage , Which would also get an adoption law expression.
are also the Greens even from the retention and against online searches of computers. And as for me (and I think for my generation network affinity) is also very important that voting is about Internet censorship. The Internet locks are in discussion are, unfortunately, not only absolutely unfit for their purpose, the fight against child pornography, but in my opinion, even a drastic interference with the freedom of the Internet dar. Because it is simply always the question of who ultimately the censorship decision. How fast will sound the call to ban right-wing side. And there is the Distinguishing what is legal and what is not already significantly heavier. Of course you have to tackle well against right ideas, but please do the contents in it to address it is and not by simply making Mundtot. Furthermore, the Greens call for the right to private copying, is debatable. I'm definitely of the opinion that you should definitely accept the copyrights.
As for tax policy, I think the Greens have the most realistic. I do not like the CDU and the FDP will finance their tax cuts. I do not see how you can really given the current budgetary position to spend even more money. The approach of the Green to raise the top tax rate at while raising the income limit seems to be quite useful. But even more important to me is that the introduction of a financial sales tax and a capital income tax
! Those who earn money with money should pay taxes in my opinion just like any other professionals also.
environment have been so written, all parties to the tag (also thanks to the Greens). But ultimately, the Greens are the only ones who think the really long term and look at the environment not only as a means of strengthening the economy. The so-called "environmental bonus" was nothing but a huge subsidy program for the auto industry, which by the way the scrap trade has ruined. And therein lies the future, but (now time to put it bluntly). We must always use our waste and recycle more to address the shortage of resources. And when finally the speed limit on highways is introduced, we do not need such an expensive and fast cars more. And while we would be spared any climate, and some human lives.
Nuclear power is a contentious issue. The Greens are there very clearly against it. I would support because of security and also due to the fact that nuclear energy is ultimately only a fossil fuel. But what I think is not good that the Greens, the further investigation of Fusion does not support. It is true that this project is very expensive, but the possible outcomes are, in my opinion, value.
But the real main reason is to be chosen this time Green's foreign policy. Although they are no longer purely pacifist, as they were in the beginning. But that is what makes them selectable in my eyes. I support not the current mission in Afghanistan and also think that red / green, has thus made a mistake. But I think the demands of the Left for an immediate withdrawal simply irresponsible. The green however, also call for the earliest possible withdrawal, but only if we leave it, no country in chaos. Just this change a realistic policy, but definitely still based on certain principles, the Green Party makes my eyes so well chosen. Because they no longer so "unrealistic" are like their reputation is. Furthermore
Greens demand that EU farm subsidies be abolished as these make the local markets in Africa broken. This has always been one of my most important requests and for me an essential step towards global justice. And the small farmers in Germany that would not even so much harm, since the main beneficiaries are large companies (along the way the Queen in England also receives € 600,000 a year for their lands). Another step for global justice is that the Green Party called for a single seat for the EU in the UN Security Council. Effectively we would (Europeans, as Germany did indeed sit on the Security Council) does indeed lose to, but that would lead to a strengthening of UN legitimacy. Medium term and thereby to strengthen the UN as an institution, which I think is very good. I believe we can achieve only through international (equal) dialogue a more just world. And that I believe should be in accordance with the objective of all policy, even if it means that we must give to things in Germany. A culture of waiver seems to be generally of distress. That may now Although sound pretty radical, but it is a fact that we can never reach all the people of the world our standard of living. Why must those who are seriously committed to global justice must also be prepared to give. This reminds me of itself heavy enough and I also believe that the Greens have only partially understood. But even after all, basically. to draw with such a message in the campaign might not have been a wise ^ ^
My conclusion is: The Greens do indeed not all right, but pretty much. Which are also the only party of which I am hoping that they have a longer-term perspective, not only for Germany but also for the world have developed and further develop.
why I have chosen Green!
PS: I am aware that I have represented many, not all topics and especially on social policy are still some debatable points. I write a lot of lightness to something again later.
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