Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mtd 8hp Snowblower Gas Cap

applications to universities

I hope that the observations from Saturday morning a little more light on the jungle. :-)


(1) Multiple submit, is almost always a form that is filled out and returned with the Abizeugnis.

(2) Altabiturienten must send their applications already in May. Neuabiturienten have time until July. On 15 July must be present at all of the ZVS and the universities. The postmark does not apply.

(3) Sometimes you have to enroll at a university if it is still waiting for other commitments. If the commitment of the Lieblingsuni very late, you can advertise on his first promise again.

(4) Some universities have to fill out the application form and send it, even if there is no NC. In others, you go and easily enroll in courses that do not have NC.

(5) The NC is not proof of quality but the result of supply and demand for places.


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