Has not this time in Karlsruhe found here in Baradero special place;).
I now describe just briefly what all is happening in the last week.
We have had this week only until Wednesday, the day care center running for was for more work on Thursday and Friday for the festival. These days were also relatively relaxed. And even though have been added in the three days, three or four new kids and I had ruined the painting of the toys my pants. But at least I now for work:). The reason that we ended officially 21 children, was quite simply that our boss wanted us to have a fixed 20 children in the center. This pressure and the fact that we had to do very much else, the adjustment period was somewhat critical. But by Wednesday's worked out pretty reasonably.
On Thursday we then extended our working hours by two hours fully utilized. Here, the entire area was brought up to scratch, that was for us a lot of work with the rake and the Sopladora (so a Blasmaschiene). We also have 23 Tablones (so large table tops) are based in just one load brought together with a pickup. Sascha has spent the way back then on top of the tables, which were stowed in the back so inclined. But since we could not anyway because of the weight the fastest time, was not a problem.
went there on Friday for us going again at eight clock. This time I have spent most of the time trying to shovel earth. The whole has served the purpose of leveling the floor of the tent. That was in the heat a really hard work. But ultimately passed, this day.
On Saturday there was already a lot going on again soon. All day Saturday, more and more workers and even guests arrived for the meeting of ex-student of the Hogars on Saturday night. I'm the one again made more clean but I was also plenty of other tasks to make such as table decoration or hang posters and canvases.
to mention is also that we had nice visit from Buenos Aires. And although the same three Voluntärinnen from Buenos Aires. Two came on Friday evening with a group of children from another project, so we have not been to sleep that night very much. On Saturday we'll have a break during our
So on Saturday evening, was the meeting of the ex-students. And as is so common in Argentina, there must of course Asado. But that was not just any Asado. It was designed for two hundred people (even if only got 120) and, accordingly, then were the mountains of meat.
But the preparation is already ansich erwähungswert. Thus d
also the service that we were even able to enjoy fully, turned out to be very good. Again and again, people walked through the rows of tables and have distributed meat salad and bread. So went from a never to eat, without having had to get up:). The whole meal was also very good, so it was a very pleasant evening for us, which we have on a blanket under the stars can fade away.
The problem was that the next morning I again had to get up at seven. And as time has changed on my phone through the night, I was even awake at six: (In the morning my first tasks was then still hang some welcome signs. Before then there were our children. Which we then had the ceremony, long and sing especially crowded church service two songs, even though the planning of this work have been completely in vain, since the plan was changed completely. But in this way, the children were the largest part of the service around and still showed presence. And really it was just that. Then there was us and the kids eat outside on the lawn empanadas, while the guests were already beginning to slowly eat the lunch. It was also grilled again, this time chicken. We have the beginnings of food did not notice because we were busy with the kids. But at some point was an employee and said that we would have to make sure more chairs and tables, since so many people came. So we have taken her more tables so that our children could eat. But we ourselves would have been out to dinner because we were busy all the time for things to drag and match the children.
I was to include the honorable task to some renters. With a few simplifications I then came to the number 890th What with 500 expected guests was a lot already. It has also been found to be very useful that it was the remains of Asado, which were also distributed. Thus, the food then finally (almost) all passed.
went after the meal before going on the actual program. There was again a tango performance (as always) with a band. There was also a raffle and other raffles and games. A kind of high point was a 92-year-old ex-teacher of the Hogars have sung with her ex-student on stage songs from their school days.
But the feast was ansich then quite early over, so we were under the first cleaning up enough time to dedicate to the swimming pool. It has done really well after a week of hard work to cool off and relax. Since a is also a volunteer remained until Monday, we have also made a nice evening here. As far as first
my report of the party. Here you can find many more photos of the party.
If my report to the Centenario Hogars.
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