Yesterday we have with our kids rather spontaneously made a trip to Agra fair around here. The children were of course all super happy that we have a "journey" made. Fortunately, we had T-shirts of the Hogar, so that we (almost) all could go in uniform look.

The 30 mile drive was then quite an experience because we had only one (large) mini-bus. And for the 21 children with 6 supervisors. But in the end we arrived safely. The show was really great and then by subject to the middle of the campo (no, not in the boonies;)).

It was at the show really all types of exhibitors. Thus, for example all major car companies, a lot of banks, mobile operators, travel agents, and of course, some agricultural enterprises developed services. What was really great for our kids, were all the gifts. Was able at all three hats a lot of yerba (tea for the material) and take a straw hat. Since the friends of course, was huge. And since we had enough to drink here and there were plenty of toilets, the trip was a success and organizational.

As far as a short report on yesterday's outing.