Feliz Navidad
I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Maybe you have the good fortune this year to enjoy a white Christmas.
I'm here pretty much at the sweat and therefore comes also not such a real Christmas mood on. But in a few hours I pick up my brother from the airport. And then begins my vacation:)
gannz Anyway, greetings from the summer
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Average Labour On Changing Thermostate
here is my interim report I wrote for my circle of supporters:
Dear family, dear friends, dear friends, my supporters ,
Below I will tell of the first three months of my volunteer year in Argentina:
It all started on 7/24/2009 with an approximately 14-hour long direct flight from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires. After an uneventful flight we were at the airport by the coordinator of the volunteer program Chris Gillen picked up. The problem was that we were picked up by a van that just offered only one seat for each. But each of us as we had two large pieces of luggage it, it was correspondingly narrow. Finally we got everything put in, so we squeezed a little but arrived safely in our accommodation. In the course of the next day are still more volunteers arrived from Germany, so we end up with a group of 43 volunteers.
The course:
were during the first three weeks, we housed in the Protestant theological faculty of the University of Buenos Aires (ISEDET). There we had then find all sorts of Field trips and lectures on social and political issues every one morning language classes. This was (not only me) desperately needed, I like many others have arrived without significant prior knowledge. Our language teachers were students of theology ISEDET that have brought us even closer to the same environment. The course itself was of limited use for me only because I missed the grammar content somewhat. But ultimately I have found in these three weeks, still learned a lot, especially so because I always had my cards there. This way I could acquire at this time an almost perfect vocabulary. It helped me also, that we were self-sufficient during this time. That to me was initially very hard, because I do not just wont to go shopping every day was constantly cooking. But this way I have the vital vocabulary faster appropriated.
The first three weeks in ISEDET were overall very nice but very tiring. This was partly because we have lived in a big group together, but also simply because the change to a different country, a different season and a big city is always really tough. Accordingly, I was glad then when we finally went to our projects. The journey to my project was not a problem because my project, only 150 km away from Buenos Aires is located.
My environment:
My project is in Baradero, a town of 30,000 inhabitants in the middle between Rosario and Buenos Aires. Baradero is very rural. But the center can still get (almost) everything what you want. But here in Baradero is the social margin, as in all of Argentina, clearly visible. For example, in the center certainly very beautiful and very modern houses, but once you get some Cuadras (blocks) away from the center of the streets no longer paved and the houses are also becoming poorer. The roads of earth are especially a problem when it rains. Through all the mud you just go hardly the center, if one has not really an SUV. This also means that many children just do not go to school when it rains. For me it becomes very uncomfortable, because my project is located outside the city and my only means of a very old bike without fenders is. From my project to the city center, I need about fifteen minutes by bike, what with this bike really is not pleasant. Home
I do with my Mitfreiwilligen Sascha together in an apartment directly in our project. Our apartment has three bedrooms and a bathroom, which is actually pretty good. Finally, I am with our housing situation really satisfied, even if as some not quite so well. Sun breaks down as our Sink slow form because of the humidity in the bathroom and always puddles around the toilet. But we were already promised that we will "soon" move. Just so soon always very vague, so now we wait and just drinking tea. Here you can drink tea but no normal way Mate. It is in a cup made of wood or a dried gourd Yerba a special tea blend filled, and then infused with hot water. Drunk the whole thing with the Bombilla, a kind of straw. The material is really the national drink of Argentina. Here you see people constantly walk around with a thermos. Also be at work often breaks to drink Mate inserted. The Mate beverage is always a very social affair, as the material moves in circles.
My project:
My project is a former children's home in the German Protestant community of Argentina. It is named after its founder "Hogar Germán Frers. The Hogar translated, the home, is on a large yard. We not only have our own football field, but also a small woodland and fields with lemon and orange trees. In addition to these fields are on the whole area trees and shrubs with a variety of edible fruits found. So there It figs, avocados, nuts and a few other more or less exotic fruits. Besides the large main building in which we live, there are a few other buildings. That were once used almost all of the buildings for everyday home use because here up to 60 children and young people were staying. Today much of the building is only used for (weekend) camps and other types of tourism. Otherwise we have on our area nor the second oldest Protestant church in Argentina and a swimming pool.
Today the project only a day center, because the home had to close for legal reasons, about a year ago. The means that a large part of the land and the building is used at most on the weekends when we sometimes pending a camp. In come the day center during the week, every day up to 20 children. The children are always sure of a minibus to pick you up at the school and driven to our project. Here you will get something to eat and care for the afternoon. The children who come to us must be determined by two social workers of the city in coordination with us, so the staff of the Hogar. The children who come here come here at the moment, almost all from difficult conditions such as to domestic violence, alcoholism and, unfortunately, the parents of sexual abuse. But are our children Now not all from extremely poor backgrounds, so that the problems are not specific Argentinian but could then show up in Germany. Only the problems are then usually always a degree worse than ours. The team of
Hogars is quite large. Thus, besides the two teachers who care, of course, mainly the children, a cook and a maid and laundress, another cooking and cleaning woman, a housekeeper and someone who is responsible for the tourism aspect of the Hogar. And of course there are our boss, who lives in Buenos Aires, but why only two or three times a week here in Baradero. Außerdemm there are the two social workers the city, stop by regularly and assist us in working with the children. In this way we can offer children a truly comprehensive care. But the staff is not enough to keep the whole area along with agriculture going. Unfortunately, this means that there is pretty much untapped, and are also many works on the buildings just stay.
My work:
My normal daily routine is on a working day as follows: wake up I usually do so soon after eight clock and then make my first coffee to wake up. Then I start still good 90 minutes until the work by ten clock. During this time, I communicate a lot with my Family and friends from Germany, since they will usually have a lunch break. At ten clock I go down then, from the building out and start to wonder what could be done. My duties in the morning are very different. I have already deleted, office work done, prepare something for the kids or just cleaned up. The morning session is usually over pretty quickly, and therefore are effective only because a half hours. Indeed, there are already at 11.30 clock lunch for us in this project, prepared by the cook. The food is usually pretty good, even if it is not always so diverse. Between twelve and half past twelve then come the kids with the "Cole" (Short for colectivo, bus) and usually start to play directly. As our work is a good part of it just to play with the children is then already asked our efforts. Be it with the Hamaca (swing) or with the basketball, and in any case, the children always ask for our participation. Thus, the work makes it even (almost) always fun, although I have done the wrists from constant throwing of children on the swings pretty painful. Sun against two clock is there always for dessert (dessert), which is usually made from self-pudding, cream of wheat or rice pudding. There is no real lunch for children who get to eat anything at school. And these are currently only three children. After it is
Postre Apoyo Escolar, which is so much like homework help and tutoring in one. Depending on whether the children have homework or not. Sascha and I too, must help. That is my feeling after the most difficult task here. And not because of the language and the difficulty of tasks, but because you are always at the same time Take care of several children needs. We have children but divided into two groups so that Sascha and I help with one teacher to a group. But that also hold for seven to ten children are on two. And the problem is that most are not able to do their homework independently. That means we should really do with individual child's homework, which is effectively not possible. For some children very quickly lose the desire to make the tasks as if they had any at all, if you can not directly take care of them. Therefore, it is often down to is that some children preferred the slightly smarter, paint or make just as we help other children with their homework. Helping itself is also mostly very hard, because some children can not read or write properly. But now I have the impression that our work really brings something to the children. Some children in the period in which I've been here already made really good progress, so I am in good spirits am also able to help others yet.
After Apoyo Escolar there really are other workshops, such as drawing and painting, for example, cooking or sports. These workshops will take place but, unfortunately, is anything but regular, as the manager (s) often have no desire or time. If a workshop is held after we play again with the children until it's time for dinner. That's about at 17.15 clock. Previously, the children should have a shower, which here is no obligation. But when a child is sometimes very dirty again, is made entirely from our side pressure that it is yet again taking a shower. But by and large is no problem with the showers. Although it never shower all but distributed over the day moves on any one time. Once a week we do a prayer before dinner with our boss, but also is about the only aspect of the Christian right day care center. Even before the dinner, there is a (self) evaluation of the day by the kids and us. We have a name list on which we paint with three colors of traffic lights points, depending on how the child has behaved. Of course, we determine the color, but the children get plenty of room to assess themselves. This is still a fairly new idea from us, but it seems to work pretty well. Also, because we have threatened with sanctions if someone has too many red dots on the list. After dinner comes then the Cole and pick up the children. Once a week we will be talking after work at a meeting with the entire team out on anything. Firstly, problems and discussed with individual children, but also, such as the organizational problem with the workshop leader (s).
addition to this regular work but there are always some other actions pending the. Thus, there are often weekend retreats and similar events in the Hogar to help where we can and sometimes should. This additional working days and we can then again take time during the week.
On fourth day of October, we have also the centenary Anniversary of the celebrated Hogars, so we had to do to run this festival a lot because had to be cleaned including the swimming pool. But despite everything, the whole work, I also heir leisure.
my free time:
my free time is limited here almost always on time after six clock and on weekends. During the week I'm going to play volleyball two nights, which gives me a lot of fun. In addition, you get in this way, most likely in contact with local young people. At the two other nights I go to language classes with a former French teacher. The word can not speak German, but because I'm learning the English only get better. In general I have to the language without too much problems. If someone talks to me, I understand almost everything and if I just listen, I understand him the most. I can speak also quite good, I am of course still many mistakes. What makes me especially to create is the English "R" that I just can not pronounce. But on the all works very well. I have even read my first book in English (Robinson Crusoe). That was quite tiring, but I finally managed with the help of a dictionary very well. Meanwhile, I'm already on it to read the next book.
The weekends I spend most of here in the Hogar with occasional excursions fish in the city or the. But it is also possible in two hours from Buenos Aires to come. And since we know there still many other volunteers, we always have a place to sleep. Therefore, we can always throw in the big city if we choose to be mute.
Greetings from the almost summer sticking Argentina
here is my interim report I wrote for my circle of supporters:
Dear family, dear friends, dear friends, my supporters ,
Below I will tell of the first three months of my volunteer year in Argentina:
It all started on 7/24/2009 with an approximately 14-hour long direct flight from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires. After an uneventful flight we were at the airport by the coordinator of the volunteer program Chris Gillen picked up. The problem was that we were picked up by a van that just offered only one seat for each. But each of us as we had two large pieces of luggage it, it was correspondingly narrow. Finally we got everything put in, so we squeezed a little but arrived safely in our accommodation. In the course of the next day are still more volunteers arrived from Germany, so we end up with a group of 43 volunteers.
The course:
were during the first three weeks, we housed in the Protestant theological faculty of the University of Buenos Aires (ISEDET). There we had then find all sorts of Field trips and lectures on social and political issues every one morning language classes. This was (not only me) desperately needed, I like many others have arrived without significant prior knowledge. Our language teachers were students of theology ISEDET that have brought us even closer to the same environment. The course itself was of limited use for me only because I missed the grammar content somewhat. But ultimately I have found in these three weeks, still learned a lot, especially so because I always had my cards there. This way I could acquire at this time an almost perfect vocabulary. It helped me also, that we were self-sufficient during this time. That to me was initially very hard, because I do not just wont to go shopping every day was constantly cooking. But this way I have the vital vocabulary faster appropriated.
The first three weeks in ISEDET were overall very nice but very tiring. This was partly because we have lived in a big group together, but also simply because the change to a different country, a different season and a big city is always really tough. Accordingly, I was glad then when we finally went to our projects. The journey to my project was not a problem because my project, only 150 km away from Buenos Aires is located.
My environment:
My project is in Baradero, a town of 30,000 inhabitants in the middle between Rosario and Buenos Aires. Baradero is very rural. But the center can still get (almost) everything what you want. But here in Baradero is the social margin, as in all of Argentina, clearly visible. For example, in the center certainly very beautiful and very modern houses, but once you get some Cuadras (blocks) away from the center of the streets no longer paved and the houses are also becoming poorer. The roads of earth are especially a problem when it rains. Through all the mud you just go hardly the center, if one has not really an SUV. This also means that many children just do not go to school when it rains. For me it becomes very uncomfortable, because my project is located outside the city and my only means of a very old bike without fenders is. From my project to the city center, I need about fifteen minutes by bike, what with this bike really is not pleasant. Home
I do with my Mitfreiwilligen Sascha together in an apartment directly in our project. Our apartment has three bedrooms and a bathroom, which is actually pretty good. Finally, I am with our housing situation really satisfied, even if as some not quite so well. Sun breaks down as our Sink slow form because of the humidity in the bathroom and always puddles around the toilet. But we were already promised that we will "soon" move. Just so soon always very vague, so now we wait and just drinking tea. Here you can drink tea but no normal way Mate. It is in a cup made of wood or a dried gourd Yerba a special tea blend filled, and then infused with hot water. Drunk the whole thing with the Bombilla, a kind of straw. The material is really the national drink of Argentina. Here you see people constantly walk around with a thermos. Also be at work often breaks to drink Mate inserted. The Mate beverage is always a very social affair, as the material moves in circles.
My project:
My project is a former children's home in the German Protestant community of Argentina. It is named after its founder "Hogar Germán Frers. The Hogar translated, the home, is on a large yard. We not only have our own football field, but also a small woodland and fields with lemon and orange trees. In addition to these fields are on the whole area trees and shrubs with a variety of edible fruits found. So there It figs, avocados, nuts and a few other more or less exotic fruits. Besides the large main building in which we live, there are a few other buildings. That were once used almost all of the buildings for everyday home use because here up to 60 children and young people were staying. Today much of the building is only used for (weekend) camps and other types of tourism. Otherwise we have on our area nor the second oldest Protestant church in Argentina and a swimming pool.
Today the project only a day center, because the home had to close for legal reasons, about a year ago. The means that a large part of the land and the building is used at most on the weekends when we sometimes pending a camp. In come the day center during the week, every day up to 20 children. The children are always sure of a minibus to pick you up at the school and driven to our project. Here you will get something to eat and care for the afternoon. The children who come to us must be determined by two social workers of the city in coordination with us, so the staff of the Hogar. The children who come here come here at the moment, almost all from difficult conditions such as to domestic violence, alcoholism and, unfortunately, the parents of sexual abuse. But are our children Now not all from extremely poor backgrounds, so that the problems are not specific Argentinian but could then show up in Germany. Only the problems are then usually always a degree worse than ours. The team of
Hogars is quite large. Thus, besides the two teachers who care, of course, mainly the children, a cook and a maid and laundress, another cooking and cleaning woman, a housekeeper and someone who is responsible for the tourism aspect of the Hogar. And of course there are our boss, who lives in Buenos Aires, but why only two or three times a week here in Baradero. Außerdemm there are the two social workers the city, stop by regularly and assist us in working with the children. In this way we can offer children a truly comprehensive care. But the staff is not enough to keep the whole area along with agriculture going. Unfortunately, this means that there is pretty much untapped, and are also many works on the buildings just stay.
My work:
My normal daily routine is on a working day as follows: wake up I usually do so soon after eight clock and then make my first coffee to wake up. Then I start still good 90 minutes until the work by ten clock. During this time, I communicate a lot with my Family and friends from Germany, since they will usually have a lunch break. At ten clock I go down then, from the building out and start to wonder what could be done. My duties in the morning are very different. I have already deleted, office work done, prepare something for the kids or just cleaned up. The morning session is usually over pretty quickly, and therefore are effective only because a half hours. Indeed, there are already at 11.30 clock lunch for us in this project, prepared by the cook. The food is usually pretty good, even if it is not always so diverse. Between twelve and half past twelve then come the kids with the "Cole" (Short for colectivo, bus) and usually start to play directly. As our work is a good part of it just to play with the children is then already asked our efforts. Be it with the Hamaca (swing) or with the basketball, and in any case, the children always ask for our participation. Thus, the work makes it even (almost) always fun, although I have done the wrists from constant throwing of children on the swings pretty painful. Sun against two clock is there always for dessert (dessert), which is usually made from self-pudding, cream of wheat or rice pudding. There is no real lunch for children who get to eat anything at school. And these are currently only three children. After it is
Postre Apoyo Escolar, which is so much like homework help and tutoring in one. Depending on whether the children have homework or not. Sascha and I too, must help. That is my feeling after the most difficult task here. And not because of the language and the difficulty of tasks, but because you are always at the same time Take care of several children needs. We have children but divided into two groups so that Sascha and I help with one teacher to a group. But that also hold for seven to ten children are on two. And the problem is that most are not able to do their homework independently. That means we should really do with individual child's homework, which is effectively not possible. For some children very quickly lose the desire to make the tasks as if they had any at all, if you can not directly take care of them. Therefore, it is often down to is that some children preferred the slightly smarter, paint or make just as we help other children with their homework. Helping itself is also mostly very hard, because some children can not read or write properly. But now I have the impression that our work really brings something to the children. Some children in the period in which I've been here already made really good progress, so I am in good spirits am also able to help others yet.
After Apoyo Escolar there really are other workshops, such as drawing and painting, for example, cooking or sports. These workshops will take place but, unfortunately, is anything but regular, as the manager (s) often have no desire or time. If a workshop is held after we play again with the children until it's time for dinner. That's about at 17.15 clock. Previously, the children should have a shower, which here is no obligation. But when a child is sometimes very dirty again, is made entirely from our side pressure that it is yet again taking a shower. But by and large is no problem with the showers. Although it never shower all but distributed over the day moves on any one time. Once a week we do a prayer before dinner with our boss, but also is about the only aspect of the Christian right day care center. Even before the dinner, there is a (self) evaluation of the day by the kids and us. We have a name list on which we paint with three colors of traffic lights points, depending on how the child has behaved. Of course, we determine the color, but the children get plenty of room to assess themselves. This is still a fairly new idea from us, but it seems to work pretty well. Also, because we have threatened with sanctions if someone has too many red dots on the list. After dinner comes then the Cole and pick up the children. Once a week we will be talking after work at a meeting with the entire team out on anything. Firstly, problems and discussed with individual children, but also, such as the organizational problem with the workshop leader (s).
addition to this regular work but there are always some other actions pending the. Thus, there are often weekend retreats and similar events in the Hogar to help where we can and sometimes should. This additional working days and we can then again take time during the week.
On fourth day of October, we have also the centenary Anniversary of the celebrated Hogars, so we had to do to run this festival a lot because had to be cleaned including the swimming pool. But despite everything, the whole work, I also heir leisure.
my free time:
my free time is limited here almost always on time after six clock and on weekends. During the week I'm going to play volleyball two nights, which gives me a lot of fun. In addition, you get in this way, most likely in contact with local young people. At the two other nights I go to language classes with a former French teacher. The word can not speak German, but because I'm learning the English only get better. In general I have to the language without too much problems. If someone talks to me, I understand almost everything and if I just listen, I understand him the most. I can speak also quite good, I am of course still many mistakes. What makes me especially to create is the English "R" that I just can not pronounce. But on the all works very well. I have even read my first book in English (Robinson Crusoe). That was quite tiring, but I finally managed with the help of a dictionary very well. Meanwhile, I'm already on it to read the next book.
The weekends I spend most of here in the Hogar with occasional excursions fish in the city or the. But it is also possible in two hours from Buenos Aires to come. And since we know there still many other volunteers, we always have a place to sleep. Therefore, we can always throw in the big city if we choose to be mute.
Greetings from the almost summer sticking Argentina
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Honey Bunches Of Oats Is It Bad
30.10.2009, HRP - mountains behind Eyne (Orri de Baix) via Col de Noufonts to Refugi D'Ulldeter
Short summary:
From the valley behind Eyne up to Col de Eyne and then continue on the French / English border along the various peaks and then back down to the Refugi D'Ulldeter.
Today should be planned for one of the most stressful days. measured in meters before today was the highest rise and deepest descent.
The night was quiet and I slept well. After breakfast I packed my ice equipment at hand. The ice pick came on the side of the backpack and climbing on top of the backpack and were trapped by the backpack cover. Having packed up the tent at 08:00 clock, I was already on the way up to the Col de Eyne, the small river on my left.
The climb up to the Coll de Eyne is at first very simple, the path is well worn and easy to run. Although the path to overcome plenty of altitude, but is not much heavier.
The snow was thick and a few hundred yards from the Coll de Eyne was solid snow. The snow was completely covered with ice and rock hard accordingly. No chance with the boots just a notch to step into the ice. But for the purpose I've crampons with it. Unfortunately, here also the moment where I forgot the camera switch, Therefore, the following pictures are often rather poor.
created crampons, ice axes in the mountain-side hand and upward.
The crampon is the rise just after a good 20 minutes I'm up at the Coll de Eyne. Get ready for a break and a view over the landscape. Then we continue towards Pic de Noufonts, the highest point of our tour today with 2861m.
way I meet two "Trail Runner" to "jog" in the direction of Nuria. Not bad :-).
The path is to go with a few snow fields very easily, now and then I go straight to avoid snow and elsewhere I use the crampons. A few impressions of the landscape
Short summary:
From the valley behind Eyne up to Col de Eyne and then continue on the French / English border along the various peaks and then back down to the Refugi D'Ulldeter.
Today should be planned for one of the most stressful days. measured in meters before today was the highest rise and deepest descent.
The night was quiet and I slept well. After breakfast I packed my ice equipment at hand. The ice pick came on the side of the backpack and climbing on top of the backpack and were trapped by the backpack cover. Having packed up the tent at 08:00 clock, I was already on the way up to the Col de Eyne, the small river on my left.
View up to the Coll de Eyne in the distance.
The climb up to the Coll de Eyne is at first very simple, the path is well worn and easy to run. Although the path to overcome plenty of altitude, but is not much heavier.
Further up the path
The snow was thick and a few hundred yards from the Coll de Eyne was solid snow. The snow was completely covered with ice and rock hard accordingly. No chance with the boots just a notch to step into the ice. But for the purpose I've crampons with it. Unfortunately, here also the moment where I forgot the camera switch, Therefore, the following pictures are often rather poor.
created crampons, ice axes in the mountain-side hand and upward.
Lowa Tibet GTX Grivel Air Tech Crampon (New Classic binding)
The crampon is the rise just after a good 20 minutes I'm up at the Coll de Eyne. Get ready for a break and a view over the landscape. Then we continue towards Pic de Noufonts, the highest point of our tour today with 2861m.
Eyne, Nuria? Nope - Pic du Noufonts:)
way I meet two "Trail Runner" to "jog" in the direction of Nuria. Not bad :-).
The path is always the ridge along the border between Spain and France following.
The path is to go with a few snow fields very easily, now and then I go straight to avoid snow and elsewhere I use the crampons. A few impressions of the landscape
Here the path to see, partly covered with snow. In the midday sun, the snow but soft and can happen easily.
neighboring peaks
again with a recognizable path
also back everything up here is full of grasshoppers. Partial sun, the really big items on the rocks.
Then came one of the highlights of the day. An eagle flew over the way he told me shortly before sailing Coll de No Creux across. From a distance it looked like a "flying door" to describe the size of the animal. Sorry I missed the focal length of it to photograph the bird, and in addition, I still had the wrong attitude. But one does what one can:
Magnified detail from another image
short time later, I reached the Coll Creux de No, it is called because for nine steel crosses are decorated in part with the Catalan flag.
Coll de Creux No
overlooking Etang Bleu and Etang Noir
My path
On the other side of the ridge was still very much snow. Due to the location of these shadows was also in the early afternoon still completely frozen. So for the descent was again required the ice equipment.
The path led to the descent into the valley. On a map, which was again damaged by vandalism, nor was a reference to see on my daily goal, the Refugi D'Ulldeter.
led the last part of the path through a ski area on which lies the refuges. Around 16:00 clock I reached the refuge. I expected there to actually sleep in the winter areas, but the weekend was the Refugi still open.
The hut is spoke some English, so communication was no problem, I opted for the "half board" with dinner and breakfast for 38 €. Wanted to test how the food here is up. First I ordered but a Coke and a tea and relaxed me a bit at the hut. I was alone in a 6-bed room and had enough space. The warm shower (2 €) was great:).
For dinner we had soup with bread as an appetizer, a salad as a main course and then a funny English sausage with beans and sauce. The sausage was a bit weird and had some hard pieces, that was not then in my and the rest was very good.
evening came, two other Spaniards, who wanted to spend their weekends here. The two wanted to go downhill mountain biking. Too cool!
the rest of the evening I took something for it to read and recover. The book was then read out and I was back in the refuges, the landlord put it to the other books.
So if someone in Refugi D'Ulldeter the book "Tom Clancy - Clear and Present Danger" see - I've left behind :-)
Jobs In Pune In Ayurveda
DSLR Trekking and Part II - Practical experience
After the tour is over some thoughts practical experience with a "great" digital SLR camera in the mountains.
part of the team was following equipment:
Canon EOS 50D with Canon 35mm f / 2 lens
on a camera bag I have omitted here, since I have not found any cheap to me for has fallen. So I improvised. Normally, the camera was hanging on just normal strap around the neck and possibly even hang around the shoulder and to minimize swinging.
disappeared When it rains, the camera under your jacket or in a waterproof Exped Dry Fold Bag. Under the jacket, it is of course a risk of falls.
The Dry-Fold Bag let it set up so that the belt is still brought out the camera and so the camera was still wearing well.
Because of the relatively compact dimensions of the 50D with the 35mm lens (I'm usually the combination of 50D + Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L used) could well carry the camera around his neck. Since the weather is perfect starred moisture was not an issue.
experiences and problems
Finally I can say I would take back the DSLR but with a different lens. I was with the combination of 50D +35 mm/2.0 very satisfied, but ultimately would have preferred more flexibility to me, so I turn myself away again from the lens. But what I take in the future? No idea! Suggestions?
After the tour is over some thoughts practical experience with a "great" digital SLR camera in the mountains.
part of the team was following equipment:
- Canon EOS 50D - 730g
- Obektiv Canon 35mm 2.0 with UV filters to protect the front lens and GeLi - ~ 230g
- three batteries - 3x82g = 246g (one original and two unnamed battery)
- TOTAL - 1206g

on a camera bag I have omitted here, since I have not found any cheap to me for has fallen. So I improvised. Normally, the camera was hanging on just normal strap around the neck and possibly even hang around the shoulder and to minimize swinging.
disappeared When it rains, the camera under your jacket or in a waterproof Exped Dry Fold Bag. Under the jacket, it is of course a risk of falls.
The Dry-Fold Bag let it set up so that the belt is still brought out the camera and so the camera was still wearing well.
Because of the relatively compact dimensions of the 50D with the 35mm lens (I'm usually the combination of 50D + Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L used) could well carry the camera around his neck. Since the weather is perfect starred moisture was not an issue.
experiences and problems
- 's largest Problem was the battery. The original battery I had in the camera first provided excellent service and after over 900 pictures I changed the battery for a "China-battery" from Ebay for 5 €. He had previously done whatever good service and also similar to many images as the original Canon battery tolerated, but this time was the first China-battery after a good 75 frames final. The Second China-battery provided even less, and it was already after 25 frames final.
My guess is that the cold nights the rechargeable battery is partially discharged. So I will take next time the batteries in your sleeping bag. - Second problem was the hood for the Canon 35mm f2. The happy times jumped from Objective when one is encountered with the body in it. Especially on a slope that was annoying then, most of the good piece of rolled a short way down the hill but was fortunately never escape. I often caught her with hearty courage poking with sticks.
- Third problem was the lack of contrast in low light situations such as backlight, thus I have noticed a few pictures. I wonder whether an expensive lens with lens elements performed better, as would the lighting conditions were extreme.
- lack flexibility with a fixed focal length. Maybe a super zoom would still have been more appropriate, but the minimalism of the festivities perspective I have consciously accepted. Just as the eagle on the way I was, uh, flew longer focal length would have been great. Or second situation, ultra wide-angle in the valleys or at the mountain would be a great visual effect was determined.
- weight. 1.2 kg 1.2 kg remain
Finally I can say I would take back the DSLR but with a different lens. I was with the combination of 50D +35 mm/2.0 very satisfied, but ultimately would have preferred more flexibility to me, so I turn myself away again from the lens. But what I take in the future? No idea! Suggestions?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Lost Bet What Should Do Survey Feet
DSLR SLR trekking: "I love it RAW"
After the tour, when I look through the pictures have noticed that I have built at one of the best days of big crap. In a somewhat difficult lighting situation, I have set the camera in manual mode and made my picture (paw prints in the snow). Mostly I've used the automatic aperture and depending on the situation, sometimes the automatic mode or manual mode.
Then I forgot about the mode switch again. Unfortunately, I noticed that only at the Col de Nou Creus, the entire piece on the ridge from the Col de Eyne was up to here then fixed in 40 massively over-exposed images:
original out-of-Cam
I in fact almost exclusively in RAW mode, taking pictures, was enough information in the channels, yet with very little effort much out of the picture:
After 3 minutes post
For JPEG, such results would not have been possible without difficulty.
What have I turned on the picture? (Adobe Lightroom 2.5)
* restore to 100
* brightness down set to -65
* places for sky / distant mountains and the mountains before me
* the "sky" readjusted (exposure, brightness and contrast something high)
* the "earth" readjusted (exposure and brightness up just a little)
I prefer to think such a result as a no result. So I say just this: if you go and have the time to edit: always use the RAW mode.
After the tour, when I look through the pictures have noticed that I have built at one of the best days of big crap. In a somewhat difficult lighting situation, I have set the camera in manual mode and made my picture (paw prints in the snow). Mostly I've used the automatic aperture and depending on the situation, sometimes the automatic mode or manual mode.
Then I forgot about the mode switch again. Unfortunately, I noticed that only at the Col de Nou Creus, the entire piece on the ridge from the Col de Eyne was up to here then fixed in 40 massively over-exposed images:

I in fact almost exclusively in RAW mode, taking pictures, was enough information in the channels, yet with very little effort much out of the picture:

After 3 minutes post
For JPEG, such results would not have been possible without difficulty.
What have I turned on the picture? (Adobe Lightroom 2.5)
* restore to 100
* brightness down set to -65
* places for sky / distant mountains and the mountains before me
* the "sky" readjusted (exposure, brightness and contrast something high)
* the "earth" readjusted (exposure and brightness up just a little)
I prefer to think such a result as a no result. So I say just this: if you go and have the time to edit: always use the RAW mode.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
How To Hack T-mobile Usb
29.10.2009, HRP - Barrage of Bouillouses up mountains behind Eyne
Short summary:
From Barrage the Bouillouses from ski resorts and forests in the valley through the small town Bolquere shop where I want to Eyne and then up into the mountains to near the little shack "Orri de Baix to sleep. "
morning at 07:30 started a new day. So late, but the day's stage today should be short and there is also to overcome any great altitude. So enough time for breakfast.
Gite d'Etape
In there for 4.50 € A simple breakfast buffet. However, the coffee is excellent! But somehow, someone is missing for a coffee ;-). Otherwise there is toast, a cereal, juice, milk, and that was it really. So rather minimalist, but are all very good energy for tomorrow.
pack your things and go. In the resort are all around horses in the morning and eat ... Waste and a look at it funny.
The Ferd has fier legged ...
The first half hour of the day is quite interesting, the trail leads through forests and meadows and is - compared to the previous days - a wonderful walk on a gentle, fairly flat surface.
path with yellow signposts
meets Later, the path (currently I'm moving on the GR10) over the lake Estany de la Pradella. A beautiful lake, but from here the path is not so interesting, it is now more of a dirt road.
Estany de la Pradella
Interestingly, often flies a helicopter over me. I still have not looked on the type, but it looks to military? Does anyone have any idea?
What kind of a guy is it? Who knows? My
Path is also a mountain bike route. However, with vulgarities. At one place a fence across the path is stretched, warning signs are apparently fallen victim to vandalism, that is a really dangerous place for someone who comes down the mountain and in low light conditions, the wires of the fence does not.
are mentioned here plenty of ski runs and ski resorts. However, they do not wear just to beautify the landscape at.
Just all that you did to the ski slopes this includes, access to "care", drainage, cables and pipes for snow cannons ensure a landscape blight. And on a muddy path ankle deep it is also bad.
The Schlammweg
The play was soon done and then slowly it went into populated area: Bolquere. Middle of the village is a small but very nice shop. Stocks replenished, bought fresh fruit for immediate consumption, new batteries for the Garmin GPS. Unfortunately I have not found any candles, it would have been the evening for metallurgical practice. In Scotland, I always had that here, because I have not even thought of that.
The path to Eyne, 15 minutes before the place
reach the early afternoon at 13:00 clock, I Eyne. The old town itself is very nice and is very old buildings. Here and there are fountains with drinking water.
Eyne, just before the town
The road which I follow is lined with ancient trees, probably well over 100 years old.
Ancient trees on the outskirts
Unfortunately, I turn from a way too early and walk 15 minutes up the wrong way. Eventually, the path is simply gone and then I realized the mistake. So turned back and again found the landmarks.
The correct path leads slightly uphill through the Vallée D'Eyne and is in very good condition and easy to walk. I get quite contrary to many people, including several with rifle hunters who come from the mountains. An older, white-bearded hiker asks me something in French, I understand only "Pic du Nufonts. He noticed that I do not understand him and asks "Crampon"? As I understand what he means, because the word is identical in English, he wanted to know if I have it climbing. After excessive neck and both sides "aah!" everyone goes his way. However, I now know what to expect tomorrow. Ice.
falls beside the road with me a steel Groove on. Water flows at high speed through. Funny, why? Fresh water supply? Transport of anything using the power of water by the smooth groove?
flux in steel gutter
little further up the path a little rougher. But still to be going well, now I'm back just over 2000m.
Finally, the valley opens out somewhat and left and right is short green grass. On Orri de Baix, a primitive hut I find a good spot for camping. The cabin itself is not as comfortable as a tent, inside is much rat / Mäusekot on the stones and after I saw the third furry rodent, I'm quickly back out and had built up my tent.
An early work, but very relaxed and relaxing. The water in the river bottom does not make the best impression, and I use the chlorine tablets, better than me now what to capture, but since there are a lot of "traces" of cattle and horses.
I read a long time in the remaining daylight and watch the people who come down from the top of the valley and get dressed in the dark back into the tent.
Short summary:
From Barrage the Bouillouses from ski resorts and forests in the valley through the small town Bolquere shop where I want to Eyne and then up into the mountains to near the little shack "Orri de Baix to sleep. "
morning at 07:30 started a new day. So late, but the day's stage today should be short and there is also to overcome any great altitude. So enough time for breakfast.
Gite d'Etape
In there for 4.50 € A simple breakfast buffet. However, the coffee is excellent! But somehow, someone is missing for a coffee ;-). Otherwise there is toast, a cereal, juice, milk, and that was it really. So rather minimalist, but are all very good energy for tomorrow.
pack your things and go. In the resort are all around horses in the morning and eat ... Waste and a look at it funny.

The first half hour of the day is quite interesting, the trail leads through forests and meadows and is - compared to the previous days - a wonderful walk on a gentle, fairly flat surface.

meets Later, the path (currently I'm moving on the GR10) over the lake Estany de la Pradella. A beautiful lake, but from here the path is not so interesting, it is now more of a dirt road.

Interestingly, often flies a helicopter over me. I still have not looked on the type, but it looks to military? Does anyone have any idea?

Path is also a mountain bike route. However, with vulgarities. At one place a fence across the path is stretched, warning signs are apparently fallen victim to vandalism, that is a really dangerous place for someone who comes down the mountain and in low light conditions, the wires of the fence does not.
are mentioned here plenty of ski runs and ski resorts. However, they do not wear just to beautify the landscape at.

Just all that you did to the ski slopes this includes, access to "care", drainage, cables and pipes for snow cannons ensure a landscape blight. And on a muddy path ankle deep it is also bad.

The play was soon done and then slowly it went into populated area: Bolquere. Middle of the village is a small but very nice shop. Stocks replenished, bought fresh fruit for immediate consumption, new batteries for the Garmin GPS. Unfortunately I have not found any candles, it would have been the evening for metallurgical practice. In Scotland, I always had that here, because I have not even thought of that.

reach the early afternoon at 13:00 clock, I Eyne. The old town itself is very nice and is very old buildings. Here and there are fountains with drinking water.

The road which I follow is lined with ancient trees, probably well over 100 years old.

Unfortunately, I turn from a way too early and walk 15 minutes up the wrong way. Eventually, the path is simply gone and then I realized the mistake. So turned back and again found the landmarks.
The correct path leads slightly uphill through the Vallée D'Eyne and is in very good condition and easy to walk. I get quite contrary to many people, including several with rifle hunters who come from the mountains. An older, white-bearded hiker asks me something in French, I understand only "Pic du Nufonts. He noticed that I do not understand him and asks "Crampon"? As I understand what he means, because the word is identical in English, he wanted to know if I have it climbing. After excessive neck and both sides "aah!" everyone goes his way. However, I now know what to expect tomorrow. Ice.
falls beside the road with me a steel Groove on. Water flows at high speed through. Funny, why? Fresh water supply? Transport of anything using the power of water by the smooth groove?

little further up the path a little rougher. But still to be going well, now I'm back just over 2000m.

Finally, the valley opens out somewhat and left and right is short green grass. On Orri de Baix, a primitive hut I find a good spot for camping. The cabin itself is not as comfortable as a tent, inside is much rat / Mäusekot on the stones and after I saw the third furry rodent, I'm quickly back out and had built up my tent.
An early work, but very relaxed and relaxing. The water in the river bottom does not make the best impression, and I use the chlorine tablets, better than me now what to capture, but since there are a lot of "traces" of cattle and horses.
I read a long time in the remaining daylight and watch the people who come down from the top of the valley and get dressed in the dark back into the tent.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Removing 328i Front Bumper
28.10.2009, HRP - Col d'Agnel de Coume of Pic du Carlit to the Barrage Bouillouses
On the eve I have quarreled. How do I put on today's stage? There were two options for the day: Plan A) ascent of the Pic du Carlit, 2921m above sea level with the highest point of my entire tour. Or Plan B) of the Pic du transmutor Carlit of the Portella de la Grava on the GR10. On the eve
I have come to no decision and had decided to wait for how I feel in the morning.
And I felt great! The night was very cold in my sleeping bag I have not much noticed of it but the ice was on the small lake conclusive enough.
Interestingly enough, the water level in the lake dropped by about 20-30cm. Probably because in the night no more melt water came from the mountains. After breakfast we were off to the nearby pass Col de Agnel d'Coume.
view from the camp on the Col d'Agnel de Coume
The climb was short but beautiful, because of the way through once again ran between large boulders.
GR-milestones during the ascent
After a few minutes, reached the pass. An easier path led down to a small lake "Estany de Lanoset. From there it went right on down to the great lake "Estany de Lanoux.
Estany de Lanoux
Again Estany de Lanoux
This was then also the point of decision. A trail led directly towards East, up to the Portella de la Grava, and thus around the Carlit Massif. The path of the jump to climb the Pic du Carlit branched out from here directly to the south.
The decision was made quickly and without stop, I went south. The path runs along the lake for some time.
something green on the road to the west side of the Pic du Carlit
The path rises and eventually approaches the mountain.
look back at the Etang de Lanoux
Here the path climbs up to about 2450m on to the small lake "Estany Forcats" right on the ascent. Here I have einschüchternen full view of the ascent.
rise on the west side of the Pic du Carlit
The path leads directly to 500 meters up the slope of boulders and loose scree. In the picture above you can see in the center a few path-pieces at the bottom of the slope. After a few meters, however, one must look even a path. The ascent of the mountain side and then bends slightly to the right above where the climb is easier then.
the views up - right on the slope.
The whole loose gravel on the steep slope one wishes for a helmet. Fortunately But it came to no shock rock.
in the beginning of the ascent debris is not a problem, nothing slips, nothing moves, all wedged well and the path is also not unusual steep.
The view down to the first few minutes
The next bit is very steep and the slope is full of very fine gravel. It is indeed vorran, but often on a "Two steps forward and one step back". Now I'm
no longer alone, from above me, two older French descent against the effortlessly. They warn me before the descent on the other hand, there is plenty of ice to be there and still significantly steeper than here.
After the initial piece of it steeper again
from behind a British couple is without backpacks, which I have previously noted schonmal behind me. I take a break and let pass me. And use the opportunity to look over the landscape.
view of the Estany de Fourat and Estany Lanoux
And the view straight down.
The view down - there I have come up.
And then the British were also passed me
still left some space, then after.
The steepest section is done so, the climb flattens out a little now and will be easier. Again, looking back over the landscape - after all, is rewarded each altitude with a better view! back
Again the view
So on the final piece of the climb!
up there ...
Once at the saddle, it is then right again slightly 15m high to the summit of the Pic du Carlit. From here the view is perfect :-)
view the other side of the saddle down
the saddle, I turned off my backpack and then I the last few meters to the summit hinaufgekraxelt. The two Britons were just break even. We congratulate our performance ^ ^.
The (demolished) peak cross with the Catalan flag
A few impressions from the top:
view over the valley. The southern tip of the great lake is my daily goal - Barrage of Bouillouses
The site from which I came: Etang de Lanoux
view of the objective of tomorrow's day. The next mountain range behind Eyne
After a good break I decide to make me on the descent. The first part is quite simple and takes over boulders, similar to the ascent. But then the problems start: rock hard icy snow.
The first stop is directly behind a difficult climb, the trail leads along the side of the mountain height, losing slightly. It began about 20m to overcome ice. Unfortunately, I have to make my first ice climbing gear ready, I've already missed the top to make peace in the saddle.
slowly and with a high concentration, it then goes beyond the existing footprints in the icy snow. I am already quite nervous, but the play is then over.
Here are three other icy bodies, as well as some easy climbing sections. Finally, the heavy piece is overcome and the path is much easier.
The view of the Pic du Carlit - from the east side
Again the view of the many small lakes from the Lake of Bouillouses
Here it becomes clear the path easier. There are still some slight Snow fields there - good to practice with the ice ax and crampons ice equipment.
snow :-)
And a good place for a break :-)
trekking poles and ice axes
From now on, I only follow the yellow trail markers on an easy path . Relaxing after the thrilling ascent and descent. On a recent icy body I meet a French couple that tries to cross without the equipment but then turns around quickly, I had already caught the two and they spoke fluent English. We chat for half an hour about the environment God and the world and then I make myself the way back.
The vegetation is green again and you see more people in the area.
The long road to Lac des Bouillouses
around 16:30 I finally reach the small town on the other side of the dam.
Barrage de Bouillouses
Gite d'Etape There is a closed Refuge de Bouillouses and that was it really. Actually I wanted to stay in the gite, but unfortunately this was booked out. So I limited myself to a cold Coke on the ground.
Fortunately, this one also Refuge of winter rooms. These were open and could even very comfortable and there were mattresses on the bed base, on which I spread my sleeping bag. Fresh water I could get in the gite and thus the day was saved. Shortly after breakfast and I asked then prepared my dinner. A very good night :-).
On the eve I have quarreled. How do I put on today's stage? There were two options for the day: Plan A) ascent of the Pic du Carlit, 2921m above sea level with the highest point of my entire tour. Or Plan B) of the Pic du transmutor Carlit of the Portella de la Grava on the GR10. On the eve
I have come to no decision and had decided to wait for how I feel in the morning.
And I felt great! The night was very cold in my sleeping bag I have not much noticed of it but the ice was on the small lake conclusive enough.
Interestingly enough, the water level in the lake dropped by about 20-30cm. Probably because in the night no more melt water came from the mountains. After breakfast we were off to the nearby pass Col de Agnel d'Coume.

The climb was short but beautiful, because of the way through once again ran between large boulders.

After a few minutes, reached the pass. An easier path led down to a small lake "Estany de Lanoset. From there it went right on down to the great lake "Estany de Lanoux.

This was then also the point of decision. A trail led directly towards East, up to the Portella de la Grava, and thus around the Carlit Massif. The path of the jump to climb the Pic du Carlit branched out from here directly to the south.
The decision was made quickly and without stop, I went south. The path runs along the lake for some time.

The path rises and eventually approaches the mountain.

Here the path climbs up to about 2450m on to the small lake "Estany Forcats" right on the ascent. Here I have einschüchternen full view of the ascent.

The path leads directly to 500 meters up the slope of boulders and loose scree. In the picture above you can see in the center a few path-pieces at the bottom of the slope. After a few meters, however, one must look even a path. The ascent of the mountain side and then bends slightly to the right above where the climb is easier then.

The whole loose gravel on the steep slope one wishes for a helmet. Fortunately But it came to no shock rock.
in the beginning of the ascent debris is not a problem, nothing slips, nothing moves, all wedged well and the path is also not unusual steep.

The next bit is very steep and the slope is full of very fine gravel. It is indeed vorran, but often on a "Two steps forward and one step back". Now I'm
no longer alone, from above me, two older French descent against the effortlessly. They warn me before the descent on the other hand, there is plenty of ice to be there and still significantly steeper than here.

from behind a British couple is without backpacks, which I have previously noted schonmal behind me. I take a break and let pass me. And use the opportunity to look over the landscape.

And the view straight down.

And then the British were also passed me

The steepest section is done so, the climb flattens out a little now and will be easier. Again, looking back over the landscape - after all, is rewarded each altitude with a better view! back

So on the final piece of the climb!

Once at the saddle, it is then right again slightly 15m high to the summit of the Pic du Carlit. From here the view is perfect :-)

the saddle, I turned off my backpack and then I the last few meters to the summit hinaufgekraxelt. The two Britons were just break even. We congratulate our performance ^ ^.

A few impressions from the top:

After a good break I decide to make me on the descent. The first part is quite simple and takes over boulders, similar to the ascent. But then the problems start: rock hard icy snow.
The first stop is directly behind a difficult climb, the trail leads along the side of the mountain height, losing slightly. It began about 20m to overcome ice. Unfortunately, I have to make my first ice climbing gear ready, I've already missed the top to make peace in the saddle.
slowly and with a high concentration, it then goes beyond the existing footprints in the icy snow. I am already quite nervous, but the play is then over.
Here are three other icy bodies, as well as some easy climbing sections. Finally, the heavy piece is overcome and the path is much easier.

Here it becomes clear the path easier. There are still some slight Snow fields there - good to practice with the ice ax and crampons ice equipment.

And a good place for a break :-)

From now on, I only follow the yellow trail markers on an easy path . Relaxing after the thrilling ascent and descent. On a recent icy body I meet a French couple that tries to cross without the equipment but then turns around quickly, I had already caught the two and they spoke fluent English. We chat for half an hour about the environment God and the world and then I make myself the way back.
The vegetation is green again and you see more people in the area.

around 16:30 I finally reach the small town on the other side of the dam.

Gite d'Etape There is a closed Refuge de Bouillouses and that was it really. Actually I wanted to stay in the gite, but unfortunately this was booked out. So I limited myself to a cold Coke on the ground.
Fortunately, this one also Refuge of winter rooms. These were open and could even very comfortable and there were mattresses on the bed base, on which I spread my sleeping bag. Fresh water I could get in the gite and thus the day was saved. Shortly after breakfast and I asked then prepared my dinner. A very good night :-).
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